Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sean's return from the Retreat.

Finally the day Sean would return from the jungle was upon us! I couldn’t stop fantasizing about our reunion! My goal was to have the kids fast asleep before he got home, which should have been easy considering we weren’t expecting him until 11:30 that night. Things stared off fabulously. The kids were deep asleep as I dolled up for the first time in 10 days. Then to my complete annoyance, Julio would not stop knocking on my door to tell me to come out and “Party”. I politely declined as he insisted the party was for Sean’s return. The party was going to happen regardless and the drunker Julio became the more I saw my plans of a quiet night to our selves falling apart. Next thing I know the house is flooding with people and the music starts bumping. Even though the kids started to stir from the noise and I was beginning to get angry, I couldn’t deny how cool the live music sounded, made of home made instruments and not yet totally drunk Peruvians singing their hearts out. Anyhow long story short, a house full of drunken people and loud music resulted in three very wide-awake babies and one very disappointed mom when Sean finally stepped through the gate. I’m so bummed I let the circumstances get to me so much and affect the way I welcomed Sean. I was less then thrilled when we met eyes, and totally done putting up with the craziness in the house that night.  However, eventually the kids fell back to sleep (3:30 in the morning) and Sean and I were able to chat for a little while. I have to say when Sean returned that night, his face was glowing and I’ve never seen him look so clear. It was as if he was in a totally different mind set then me, like he was still very connected spiritually to his experiences and I was no where near being on his level of radiant energy. I felt like touching him was like being in very holly presences and I was almost intimidated or nervous to speak, in that I didn’t want to muddy the glistening water he seemed to be arising from. 

In the morning the kids were so excited to talk daddies ear off about all our adventures while he was gone; mostly just different variations of the same story’s at the park. We mozied about the house, took a morning walk to the bakery, all together this time, and returned home. It was peaceful and wonderful to be all together again but I could see it was a bit of a struggle for Sean to reacclimatize to normal daily life after being in such sacred serenity and deeply concentrated healing work alone. When we returned home, Tarrasa had come down stairs and welcomed Sean home. It was only minutes later that Sean got to experience one of Tarrasa’s crazy rages. Suddenly she was screaming at Julio and chasing him down the hall, throwing water at him as he ran out the front door and took off down the street. Sean was pretty shocked and with no hesitation, turned to me and said, “We are leaving today. Our energy is preciouses and we should be around people who feel that way too”. I was honestly done with all the shenanigans over the past 10 days and fully supported that idea. We packed up within the next two hours and took off to stay in the same Hostil that the rest of the people in Sean’s retreat were staying at. What a fabulous opportunity for me to connect with them, put faces to names and be amongst people so full of love and light. 

The beautiful new Hostil.
Loved the energy here!

It was hard to find moments to our selves when Sean could sit and tell me all the wonderful things he had seen and learned. However over the course of the next few days, story after story unfolded. Every time we spoke about the retreat I was in complete captivation and having feelings of overwhelming excitement for the future and gratefulness of what healing can truly take place.

About the sacred plant medicine ayahuasca, awakening love and healing in many that here it call.
" Spiritual realization is the core element in the ayahuasca experience. Ayahuasca is a medicine. Holistic purification and cleansing of body, mind and spirit in shamanic ceremony with ayahuasca you can initiate a lifelong process of rebirth and transformation. To be successful, this process requires long-term personal commitment, integrity, compassion, and courage. It is not an easy path, but it can be highly beneficial for those who undertake it with sincerity, determination, and an open heart.
For centuries, the indigenous tribes of the Amazon have used this sacred medicine as a powerful tool for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing and awakening. Ayahuasca, a Quechua Indian word which translates as 'Vine of the Soul".
Having been almost completely ignored by Western civilization for centuries, Ayahuasca has recently attracted a lot of interest from Academics, Doctor's, Philosopher's, Artist's, and Mystics due to the mysterious healing and teaching properties that it possesses".

"It is widely believed that Ayahuasca is the 'medicine of our time', giving hope to people with supposedly 'incurable' diseases such as cancer, HIV, and Parkinson's disease, as well as chronic depression, anxiety, and drug addictions. Ayahasca can provide valuable insight into the sociological and ecological problems of today's world, and inspires ideas about how to resolve them".

"Spirituality is at the core of the Ayahuasca experience. Purification of mind, body and soul in a healing ceremony can catalyse a profound process of spiritual awakening and development. 
The Ayahuasca experience is highly individual and unique to each person as it enables a direct connection with the deepest parts of the subconscious, facilitating a deep connection with our true, inner and higher self. Ayahuasca provides a window into our soul and shows us who we really are when freed of programing that holds us back, and who we can become." -Ayahuasca Ceremony

We strongly believe that the benefits to be gained from learning about Ayahuasca are immeasurable, both on a personal and planetary level.

I’m honored to share Sean's beautiful transcending experience in his own words: 

Dear Family, friends and all those who have been following our journey,

Making this trek down to Peru with my Family has been a challenge and a beautiful blessing. Shell and I both felt inspiration to come to Peru and answer the call to this Medicine; I'm referring to Ayahuasca. Many say that "this medicine finds you" and for us that's definitely true. 

I just returned from a spiritual retreat where I spent 10 days up in the Jungle mountains near the town of Jaen (Hi-en) Peru. There is a Medicine Women who lives there named Christina. I'm so grateful for her and her sharing of this powerful medicine with me. This experience has changed my life and me forever and again I can't tell you enough how grateful I am for the gift this medicine truly is.
I want to share this experience with you, but at the same time how can I possibly put this experience into words that truly relays all that happened without diminishing it in any way. Perhaps in this post I will share just a few things in hopes it will bless or inspire you in some way. If this post finds you and you would like to know more I would be happy to share in greater detail my experience with you in a private conversation. 

The maloka the cerimonies were held in.
I suppose I should just jump right into my experience with this medicine. I wasn't really sure what to expect except those things I've read, and what people who have shared their own experiences with me. Let me first say that it was truly awakening and transforming. Some nights were filled with amazing beauty ans indescribable love. Other nights I faced deep fears and worked through very heavy and hard energy, my own and ancestral that I had been carrying. Above all I had experienced a great awakening. An awakening of a greater sense of who I am and my potential. A greater understanding of Mother Earth and feelings of love and gratitude deeper then I thought possibly existed within me. I admit there is still so much I'm learning and I dont yet understand all that I experienced, but for me I had some BIG breakthroughs. I learned quickly that whatever I thought I knew I did not. This was good for me in breking down my ego...Which is still big but I'm working on it. There were nights that I wouldn't want to experience again, yet I'm still grateful that I did. It feels better to be aware and face things then to burry them away and carry it as dead weight. This medicine certainly is is a gift and a tool for those that desire to work through and face all the tough energy that we all must face in this life and probably the life after as well. I felt so much healing that it's har to describe. Depression, physical disease , conscious and subconscious programing that doesn't serve you are just a few things people have claimed this medicine has healed and now having experienced the medicine I feel any depth of healing is possible. Our spirits are all so big and devine. I'm grateful this experience has opened my heart so that I can receive more love and it turn give more love, which is what I need and I belive the whole world needs. I believe when there is enough love received, all our inner conflicts will cease. This in turn will express itself out into the world. A quote I found conveys this better than I can: 
"It is not the world that needs peace; it is people. When people in the world are at peace  within, the world will be at peace.' 
Shell and I both have realized that inner turmoil must be healed first, that we must first do our own work on ourselves if we want to create and extend grater change in the world. 

It seems there is a shift happening. People are awakening and opening themselves up o a higher consciousness, one in which we take full accountability for Mother Earth and ourselves. I'm truly grateful to be able to find this transformation in my heart and hopefully be able to inspire others to open their hearts to this as well. I pray I can always remember this gift and integrate these experiences, and the ones I've yet to have of learning and healing into my life practice. Each day I live and breath I try to remind myself of what love I have been shown lives within me and practice exercising more conscious behavior in all my interactions. I am far from ideal but I'm committed to working on it. 

I hope this makes at least some sense. I have tried to share some of my feelings, which isn't always my cup of tea. I feel blessed to be alive and I'm so grateful to feel more grounded and connected to God...I have really needed it. 

God bless you all,

Sean, Medicine Woman Christina and family.

In the town of Jaen (hi-en)

Strick vegetarian style dietta food the whole retreat. 


  1. Hi, can anyone give me a hint how to find Christina? I was told by friend here in California about her ceremonies but my friend is now somewhere in Nepal.I want to go to Jaen and have medicine with Christina. Please I will appreciate any info. Google does not give me accurate findings.

    1. I've been attending ceremonies in California and the day after one of them, I also heard about Cristina. I would love to have some kind of form of contact so that I can arrange a trip and make sure she'll be around. Thank you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Sean and all sisters and brothers. Currently I am travelling to Peru from Greece in search of a deeper connection with Pachamama and with a hope that I will have a chance to be in a ceremony with Cristina in Jaén. Does any one please have a contact of her? Thank you and bless to all.
