Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A diamond is some cases.

So what happened to "Part 2 of the budget breakdown here in Peru"? I can sum it up in five words.
We. Ran. Out. Of. Money. 
Many factors play into this scenario. Many factors that were unforeseen and unplanned for, many were mistakes, some big mistakes, some decisions were made out of desperation and there were many misunderstandings and overlooking critical points needing adjustment. However, we have learned a whole heck of a lot and let me tell you the next big adventure will have far less bumps in the road after what we have experienced here.

As our budget continued to dwindle and thoughts of actually running out of money approached  I realized one thing of great material and heavy loaded with sentimental value was my wedding ring tucked in our file box in Utah. The thought entered my mind every now and then "Could I actually sell my diamond ring?" After selling everything we own it's literally one of the last things left of value we posses!

Since being pregnant for what seemed like the last three years and having to chubby of fingers to have worn it, the thought of it glistening on my hand had become somewhat of a distant memory anyway.

A week or so latter, when charges to our debit card caught up and we realized we had far less then we thought, a bit of panic set in for Sean. Here we are in April with the real possibility of running out of money and plane tickets that dont depart until July! For the man of the house I can see how this would be quite alarming. I'll admit it was quite the shock for me as well but the shock wasn't followed with the anxiety you would expect. I felt fine. I guess embracing the unknown had rooted deeper within me that I knew, or maybe the looming thoughts of selling my ring had given me a feeling of security. Anyhow at this point I knew now the ring was as good as gone, I just needed to amp myself up to say goodbye.

Some good friends helped me take a look at the situation with a different prospective. Here I have this beautiful ring back home just collecting dust in a file box. Would it bring me joy to think of it actually full filling it's purpose gleaming on the hand of a new bride!? Why yes it would!!! Actually, that thought would bring me joy envisioning it on any hand! Becoming married is a beautiful milestone in life and that ring represents the beautiful union and commitment I have with my husband. Why not let it continue to be a visual reminder of someone else's union and commitment? Let the romance continue!

Next words of comfort were that of a wonderful old friend who reminded me of why we embarked on this amazing adventure as a family and that selling the ring only allows us to continue on and go deeper into our journey together. This is the truth. It would be a beutiful sacrifice to sell my ring only to further this journey. So in that I will always remember the joy this ring brought me and always be thankful for the gift it will be to us as we further dive into this adventure.

I pray the right girl will fall in love with this ring with as much joy as I did and will have years and years ahead of her with her new husband fulfilling all the wonderful aspects of marriage and beyond. God bless the girl who loves this ring for she will be blessing us as well. 

My first and probably last Diamond Ring.

So my sister has found my ring and handed it off to my mother, who took it to get apraised, and what do ya know? Its worth a lot! I still want to give it up? Its really the only option so ya lets rip the bandied right off! Now we wait.. Putting good energy into this sale and love to those who buy it. 
I'll take this opportunity to throw in a few more of those old wedding photos we never do anything with. 

Amongst the panic of realizing the money is almost gone, Sean posted an advertisement here locally on the Sacred Valley Face Book page: 

Hello friends! 
My name is Sean Davis. I've been living here in Pisac with my wife and three babies for a couple of months now. I'm looking for some work and wanted to let everyone know that back home I was an interior and exterior painter. I do clean, nice work and would love for you to hire me if you need a hand with any paint jobs. I'm open to any other work you may need help with as well! I speak just a little spanish but that wont stand in the way of me doing a good job. If you know anyone who could use a hard worker, please pass my info on. I would be grateful here from ya.
Thanks, Sean.

The add did generate some intrest and even a couple jobs. Yahoo! We knew we could expect far less then what he'd get paid in the states and as it turned out, the bottom line ended up being very humbling. In any case Sean was very, very grateful for the work and generosity of those who hired him. One was a two day job that ended up being a generous 100 soles. Even though thats only about 40 dollars, thats a week worth of food (cooking at home only, which we have finally begun to do somewhat well!) diaper wipes and moto taxi here in Peru for our family of five. The other job was a few days, working out to be 15 soles (6 dollars a day) with the first day just in trade for meals. The meals were fantastic though and I even got to pop in the kitchen for some mini cooking lessons that I've been putting to good use! I would explain the yummy pasta dish but I cant remember the correct way to pronounce it. Petitie or something dainty and delish like that.  I also learned a couple great salad dressings! This is so invaluable to me because they dont sell bottles of dressing here and we have really been missing our greens (partly because I have been to afraid to prepare salad in fear of becoming deathly ill, which did happen to a friend of ours in Lima). Anyhow Maya the home owner inspired me to go for the greens and we have been finally enjoying a delicious salad with our meals. You know It's probably ridiculously easy for most women to throw a few ingredients together and whip up their own home made dressing, but for me thats sooo not the case. I'm a deer in headlights when it comes to making up my own concoctions the kitchen. Luckily Maya showed me a thing or two. I was beyond ecstatic to successfully remember and prepare a yummy dressing on my own. We havent gotten sick yet, and probably wont! However I still wouldn't touch a salad with a ten foot pole in Lima!
Just finished my awesome batch of dressing and mixed it in with joy! Ps. I have no idea what kind of dressing it's just good.
Ok love this one of Zara with her hands over the salad sending it her energy! We dont only pray over our food now, we also "give it LOVE"! Another tid bit we adopted in our friend Maya's kitchen!

The kids are still loving our new place, growing up to fast and melting our hearts with their curiosity and love for the culture and people here. 

Sean and I are bonding and loving each other a lot lately, working on enjoying the journey in the moment and showing gratitude. We're still making spiritual practice a part of our every day and looking forward to more medicine cerimonies soon!
This is a freakishly yummy, pudding cake thing Sean discovered at the bakery. 

I also have some big news coming up soon in the next post! Until then, like 
Love, Light & Song Dear friends&family~

This sweet lady is frying bread on the street corners every day. The bread is seriously divine! If we pass but dont buy any, she always begs us to come over so she can give Zara and Pax some for free. After she does so the kids never fail with their sweetest "Gracias!" and we offer her what it would have cost. She always refuses telling us "she" gave it to them pointing at herself. So on Sunday Market days we be sure to buy a handful. 
Riding home in the moto taxie enjoying their fried bread.
Beautiful creatures. The cows here are stunning!
...and intimidating as they often rome free! 

Seany getting us a Moto.
The Bull right outside the kids room
window. They check him out daily.


  1. As always, I enjoyed reading your post immensely! When you wrote about your ring on facebook it got me wondering if I could part with my own diamond. Mark lost his band a while back and I didn't get too worked up about it so I guess I'd be fine (I'm just not the sentimental type I guess . . . and if I can't take it with me when I depart, I don't want that kind of attachment anyway). I loved seeing your wedding photos. Your arm muscles were pretty impressive! And I loved Zara sharing her energy with the meal, I read something about that once (how your mood/attitude/energy while preparing a meal is transfered to the food and those who eat it . . . scary thought some days.)I'd love to hear more about it from you and I'm looking forward to your big news . . . I'm thinking baby No. 4.???

    1. Again not a lot of time but I have so much I want to talk to you about!!!! Love you as always! xoxox

  2. I LOVE your energy, as always!!! Beautiful post Shell. You are one amazing woman!!!

  3. I have had the same emotions regarding diamonds and where they come from...... I sold my ring a long time ago and do not miss it one bit. I hope you get a good price for yours...... I love your blog! I love you!

    1. Yes! Good to here, I probably wont miss it a bit! xoxox

  4. Loved your post, you are a strong woman...I don't know if I could part with my diamond ring(I would make my husband sell all of his hunting and fishing gear first...which is worth a lot more then my ring anyway!) Loved seeing your wedding pictures again, you look absolutely beautiful! My mom makes us scones when we have dinner in Ephraim, and they are divine! Love ya, can't wait for your news!

    1. Hey Seany and Schell!! So glad to hear your alive. So sorry to hear about the lack of funds. Its so good to see the little ones enjoying every minute though! We need to set a road race up or somethng and raise money for Sean and Schell in Peru! Sounds like things will work out. You can always contact the church and see if they have some work projects. Thanks so much for the update and you are in our thoughts and prayers daily.

    2. LOve you! Love that you always read the blog and keep up with ya grandma milli! Your the best! Ya hings will work out great, nothing to fret about :) We will see you soon, just a couple more months! Ya we could do that next time if we need, contacting the church! Looks like we will get a good chunck from the ring! Love love love you guys dearly!xoxoxo

  5. i so enjoy your voice your sweet strong energy and it is wonderful taking the whole family into peru and be graced by the medicine . and you helped so much to open your familys heart in these uncertain times . we have all gone out on alimb as far as money goes contemplating and choosing what is beautiful and not material , i am blessed to have met you in pisac . the ring will find its way to new and shining beloveds think of it as a generous gift to those crossing into the threshhold of marriage , well worn into the constellation of three beautiful children ,, thank you gracias gracias mary tsering

    1. Mary ~ You warm my soal! i can feel your energy like you were still here! You know I met some people from your cerimony by the river where sean fist met you, anyway I mentioned you and they were like "oh my gosh she was such a cool women!" You really heped or friend george relax with your soft touch and energy work! Hope I can be as amazing as you someday! Thanks so much for supporting us and reading the blog! Means so much coming fromyou! xoxoox

  6. I love you guys, your free spirit is contagious.

    1. Wow thanks a lot! Why dont you fly on over and hang out with us for a bit my friend! the doors always open xoxo

  7. Rachelle,

    Good thoughts about diamonds. Yes, it is a blood industry controlled by thieving, merciless organized thugs. And the market is a controlled market to keep the prices artificially high. Mom got your ring appraised and it is a beautiful ring worth a ton of money at retail. But the jeweler who just did the official appraisal (which cost $75) would only offer 15% of the appraised value to buy it. 15% is all he would offer! (you can do the math when you get the numbers).

    Why only 15%? Because that is what he can buy a similar stone for on the wholesale market. So the markup on diamonds is Obscenely HUGE! That is why they can advertise those '70% off sales' and still double their money. We'll probably be lucky to sell it for 30-40% of the appraised retail value. So the 'retail value' is just a pie-in-the-sky number, or what the jeweler would sell it for at full retail price.

    That said, it is a beautiful diamond. And it is a big step to trade it for life's necessities. But darn, there should be a way to buy these things closer to the 'real' honest price, right? Or we need a family member in the jewelry business.

    Much love and prayers to you and family,

    1. Yes someone confirming my dislike, or disgust rather of the diamond scheme! Love you! Cant wait to skype yall tonight! Thanks for you and mom doing so much for us, helping out putting some funds in the account until the ring sells and selling the ring and being so dang suportive! love ya Thank you!xooxo PS remember when you guys were at our house in American fork about 5 months ago dropping off the apples and I said maybe Sean and I will just move to Peru! Bet ya didnt think that would mean Sarah would end up here too! lol xo

  8. You guys are totally inspiring!! And, you all look fantastic. I loved seeing Zara sending love to the food too. Ditto the much love and prayers to you and your family. I love you all. Carolyn

    1. Wow didn't know you read the blog! Thanks a lot for the kind support! We feel so incredibly blessed to be having this experience and so blessed to feel the supportive energy from people at home like you have. Hope all is well and wonderful for you sister! Love and light~ Always Rachelle

  9. I love it! Brandon and I sold both of our rings on our little adventure. You do whatever you need to do and everything always works out. Love you!
